Wednesday, May 30, 2007





坦白说,“那”部门的agenda很没有立场。10个看过的人有9个会觉得“那”部门过火,只有一个美其名说自己中立,其实应该是事不关己己不忧吧!什么“marketing please don't just write the requirement in the ERP, please also inform us personally,marketing please update the carton measurement on time don't let us keep chasing” (大意)”还有什么“we are OPEN for Discussion, don't just talk behind of us (也是大意)”嘿!come on,who the hell you think you are?!!!不要说我们没有在你们背后说是非,就算有主角也绝对不会是你们!!还不够格叻!!!CARTON MEASUREMENT?!!! Purchasing 不给我update个鬼啊!!!!!!

到今天我才知道原来information是应该用口讲而不可以写在system里的。老板应该很心痛花几十万install 个没人要用的ERPsystem 吧?!!!还有我也是到今天才知道原来人是可以这样虚伪的。如果不是这个agenda,还真的不能让我重新认识‘那’些人!!!



Anonymous said...

愚者。。谢谢你的Agenda,多亏你让我们大家看清楚你的真面目, 真是辛苦你了, 毕竟你也隐藏了好久哦。。。憋太久可会内伤哦。。

爱丽丝。。就冷眼旁观她俩精彩的演出吧, 好歹人家也是“台上一分钟, 台下十年攻”。。。 呵呵呵。。。

Anonymous said...

HoHoHo,小人终于发威了, 恶人当道,你唯有委屈下啦,千万不要“屈到病”哈哈。。。。。到时我就会点一首歌卑你听。。。张学友名曲-----屈到病。

chengsun said...

my blog address changed to, think u need to change ur link, thx

chengsun said...

hey, please be careful and take care of yourself in jb, please.

Anonymous said...

Sometime, it is difficult to judge who is right or wrong. In many countries (democratic), majority will decide which is right. but actually, is it the "right things" really right? it all depend on every persons' judgement. Example, marriage between men and prostitution are allowed in certain countries but extremely banned in certain countries. Who is right? Who is wrong? only the citizen in the country have the right to say.
Same thing happen for your case, Since you get "shot", please look at the surrounding, are other people (third party and not your gangs) in the scene stand behind you and support you or agree the "Shot". if the people support you, then do not worry, all the "shot" will make the "shooter" shame. Otherwise, you might need to find out what you did "wrong". Just like the Singapore movie, "just follow law", Tanya Chew (Fann Wong) and Lim Theng Chui (Gurmit Singh). None of them did wrong, but still has such big arguement and disagreement. How to resolve it? very easy put yourself in other shoes and feel it (just like the movie). Then you will get the answer. Am i right, Mr Liao Guo Ping Lao Shi?

Do not angry, if you angry, bad for your health. Keep calm.

I am a nobody. Just a token to share.

